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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Perks of Being a Pet Parent


To Be or Not to Be a pet parent is often a question that boggles the mind of a huge population of people. It is usually believed that pets entail considerable challenges and plentiful liabilities. Well, that cannot be denied or ignored. Pets do require of us certain responsibilities and duties towards them, and sometimes do pose certain afflictions. However, despite all these cynical and unfavorable perceptions, the benefits and rewards are enriching and the pros far outweigh the cons. It is after all a two-way communion, and relationship that builds on mutual love, respect and commitment. I say this with conviction that surfaces from personal experiences of my beautiful journey as a pet parent myself. It indeed is truly a blessing and an illuminating experience. Here I share with you some remarkable benefits as experienced first-hand of having a pet in your life. If still in doubt, do go through this deeply probed list. 

1. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE– Yes, pets of any shape, or size bestow unconditional love and affection. After all, Love begets love. They see you as their world, and are always there with and for you. Their love is reflected in their actions, and behavior. They gauge your emotions, mood and temper. They offer companionship that is genuine and everlasting. Be it a wagging tail of your furry baby, or your kitty’s soft purr and a brush against your body, or a nuzzle by your horse, or even a wading fish in your aquarium, they all express love, and feel emotions. However, if you do not reciprocate with love, admonish or ignore them, or toy with them as mere objects of gratification, behavioral issues like biting, peeing, and sometimes even hiding, are often witnessed. All they need is a little love from us. In return they offer immense love and commitment. 

        I vouch for myself that I got so much love and happiness from my pet son, Bolt, and continue to be showered with love every moment from my cats and stray pets.

        2. STRESS BUSTERS– Stress is often a part of today’s life. We often get affected by happenings in our daily life that lead to worries, anxieties, and fears. It is scientifically observed that having pets around, and spending time with them helps in destressing, and relieving tension. This is because interacting with our pets decreases levels of cortisol, a stress related hormone, and increases oxytocin, a feel-good hormone (akin to the one that is found in the bonding between parent and child). In fact, pets are a blessing in disguise for those caught up in the humdrum of life. Pets absorb negativity, and in return give you positivity, love and joy. They help in fighting ailments like depression and anxiety. Walking out your pet, playing with your kitty, or merely watching your fish swim instantly triggers a shift in energy, a disconnect in the train of negative emotions and thoughts. 

          All this leads to the third benefit.

          3. MINDFULNESS– Pets bring you in the moment. They ground you. Mindfulness basically means being aware of the NOW. And that is what our pets teach us every moment. They are in the present, and help you to be too. When you walk your furry buddy, or stop by as it sniffs, you look around, see nature, people, and grasp your surroundings. When you play with your cat, or pet your parrot, you are involved in the act. You are ‘HERE AND NOW’. They take away your mind from the distant past and the unforeseeable future. You are in the present. And that awareness of being in the now is what is blissful. It is what mindful meditation is all about. So, if you feel meditation is not your cup of tea, then try pet meditation wherein you leave your gadgets untouched and dive in the moment with your pets. I assure you will experience pure bliss.

          4. PATIENCE– Pets are the ultimate teachers of Patience. These days social media is full with reels showing toddlers, and young children sitting, playing or jumping all over their dogs or cats. Some stretch their imagination and dress-up their pets in weird outfits, while sometimes pet owners can be seen doing all sorts of antics with their pets like putting helmets on their tiny little heads and taking them on bike rides. And what about the pets?? What do they do? They are seen quietly taking all these tribulations in stride. They patiently bear these trivialities merely out of love for their pet family. None of the humans will ever take on such behavior. Pets also wait endlessly for their caretakers to come back home. In the wild too, predators lock their gaze on the prey, and sit still in the position for hours. Interestingly, studies have found that primates, and birds can all delay immediate gratification and wait patiently for a preferable reward. In fact, scientists from Max-Planck Institute for Ornithology tested levels of patience in birds from four parrot species and concluded that self-control abilities of these closely related macaw species varied greatly between species and individuals. 

          5. COURAGE- Pets teach the most important lesson of life- Courage. And I reach this conclusion after seeing my own pet live life fully despite being a patient of chronic congenital heart disease. He also suffered from arthritis and found walking difficult. However, he loved walking and never gave up despite all his ailments. He walked until his last breath. He became slow in his gait, sat several times during his walks, but was always happy to meet his furry friends, and people. Despite his bleak and prognosis, and the vet’s verdict of just a few months, he lived for four more years. Hats off to his courageous spirit that did not let him quit. It is also inspiring, besides being hurtful and tormenting, to see strays and other free ranging animals endure pain and suffering, yet live with it courageously fighting for food and survival day in and day out. Animals teach humans to be strong, and resilient.

            6. SOCIALIZATION- Besides being social Pets are one of the major sources of socialization. They are the starters for possible conversation among people. Usually, pets radiate energy that can be welcoming and friendly. Coupled with their aura, their cute faces can often attract people to either smile, or even strike a conversation. It is not unusual to witness pet owners often approached both by other pet owners and non-pet owners as they meet and greet. This socializing is healthy both for the pet and its owner. Unless the owner is mean, or snobbish, or the pet is unfriendly, chances of meeting new people and building social relationships is an undeniable benefit. Despite being an introvert, I built a huge network of friends and acquaintances due to my pet who was socially friendly, and amiable.

            7. TEACHERS FOR LIFE– Life’s best teacher is your Pet. A pet, at any point in one’s life, can teach invaluable lessons of life. Empathy, compassion, loyalty, camaraderie, and love are undoubtedly lessons that can be taught and practiced with children from a very early age by letting them be around animals, or having a pet of their own. Young people can also gain learning of patience, courage, discipline and most importantly, mindfulness from pets. In the contemporary world, where people are victims of stress, gadget mania, anger, loneliness, depression, and anxiety, pets can be seen as harbingers of hope, happiness, and sanguinity. 

            8. CONSISTENCY- Pets have a regimen they follow, and once conditioned adhere to it invariably. They are disciplined in that sense and teach their human companions the same. They thrive on routine and consistency. If they eat at a certain time, or sleep in a particular place, or even interact in a certain way it is seen that the act gets hardwired in their system, and they follow it totally. In fact, any changes could confuse or even upset them. Such consistency and discipline can be learnt from them and inculcated in our daily life practices. This further assists in teaching the valuable lessons of accountability and responsibility to humans.

            9. GOOD HEALTH– Studies have shown that pets do have a positive impact on health of human beings. They affect physical, emotional and mental health of their human companions. People with pets like dogs, and horses that need physical exercise also benefit themselves by getting physically fit. Exercises like walking, running, or even agility improves the cardiovascular system, helps in weight loss, and tones the body of both the pet and the being. Pets like cats, fishes, or birds also help in reducing stress, and loneliness. They boost the mood and take away the mind from any sort of pain or worry. In fact, pet therapy involves people with physical or mental ailments interacting with pets and benefitting from them. These pets provide love, happiness and comfort, and also improve social, psychological and other motor skills in many autistic and mentally ill patients. They also help in alleviating post-traumatic symptoms, and depression in people.

              10. BEST BUDDIES- Pets are human being’s best friend. They are loyal, committed, loving, protective, and “Truly Yours Forever”. Pet in one’s life is a blessing, and a life-long unbreakable bond. Be it your dog, cat, bird, hamster, rabbit, horse, cow, or even a turtle- once there is a bond, an emotional loving connection, it is an eternal bond. Your pet becomes a part of you, and your life and vice versa. Even when they are no more, they bond with you at a spiritual level. Nothing can erase their mark from your heart and soul. George Eliot, the renowned Victorian novelist rightly said, “A true friend leaves paw prints on your heart.” They have an indelible imprint on one’s life. 

              Monika Kaushik
              Monika Kaushik
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